ANNOUNCEMENTS:LINKS from the Choir Parent Meeting 2024:
Shop at Kroger? Link your Kroger Rewards Card to WKHS Choir Booster and Kroger donates money to our program! 1. Open Your Kroger App 2. Click the Top Right Corner (the 3 lines) to acess your info 3. Under My Info - Click "Rewards" 4. Click Community Rewards 5. Search for the organization "WKHS CHOIR BOOSTER" UPCOMING DATES: Fall Choir Concert - Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 7:30pm Fundraising Made Easy!Register your Kroger Plus Card to benefit WKHS Choir Boosters and Kroger will donate a percentage of the total amount spent each quarter to the choir as part of the Kroger Community Rewards Program.
It's like free money! All you will need is your Kroger Plus Card number and our non-profit organization (NPO) number, 74972, to sign up. Get started right now. |
Check out our twitter feed below: |